Kneejerk According to Discord: Timeless Beginnings Wave 2
Welcome to the madness. Without an opportunity to see how any of these cards work in practice, some 90 people boldly gave their opinions on how good they would be, how fun they would be, and any other opinions they wanted.
The Raw Data
You can find it here. This is the version after extensive editing. Good luck.
People’s thoughts on a scale of “No fun :(“ (1) to “Much fun :)” (4):
Average: 2.97, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 3
Faction Standings
- Lyonar (2.32)
- Abyssian (2.42)
- Songhai (3.26)
- Magmar (3.57)
- Vanar (3.81)
- Vetruvian (4.05)
New Cards
Dynasty Standard
This might be the strongest card in the set.
- 2 mana is a very low price for the effect.
- At 2 mana, you can easily play this artefact and a spell on the same turn, so it has instant value.
- Usually, playing a removal card gives up the initiative; with Standard up, playing a removal card also gives you a body, letting you keep up tempo.
- As the game drags on, Lyonar will get a huge amount of value from normally good cards like Holy Immolation and Circle of Life also summoning well-statted tokens.
Power: Average: 3.17, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.68, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
This has the potential to be cool in a swarm Lyonar deck, but it’s pretty slow, and if you’re playing a lot of low-cost low-quality minions they might not be very good until you get this out, which gives the deck a single point of failure. It has a really tanky stat line (and is a good Divine Bond target), but dies to Nightsorrow Assassin and Plasma Storm. This would probably perform better if it were costed a little lower with worse stats, or if there were more support for swarm Lyonar already.
Power: Average: 1.96, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 2
Fun: Average: 2.47, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Avatar of Zenith
This is one heck of a Divine Bond target. At 11 health, it’s also extremely hard to remove without hard removal. You can keep healing minions until you run out of mana, generating tokens the whole time! Although the stats are very good, Dynasty Standard may provide a more reliable source of tokens and come online sooner. You might also not be getting a lot of value out of it immediately, as it does require mana and an initial healing proc to get started.
Speaking less circumspectly… If you cast Divine Bond on it it has 15 attack, and removing it the turn it’s played is an extremely tall task. The effect is nice but not actually as important as the fact that if you can’t remove it, you will likely lose the game to a 15/11 beating your face in.
Power: Average: 3.24, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.6, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Eonbound Phalanx
It’s a cool looking effect and could be pretty fun to play with! It’ll also produce a 6/6 as well with Dynasty Standard, which is really nice. On the other hand, Lyonar doesn’t actually have a lot of access to ways of turning 5 1/3s into a credible threat, they’re easily removed by a number of board clears (including Mesmerize, with sniper-like accuracy), and there are certainly better cards to play on curve. With more swarm support this might be good, but as it is it looks like it’s going to be a bit lonely.
Also, the art clearly shows a Silverguard Knight.
Power: Average: 2.01, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.62, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Shimmering Sensu
Songhai really likes card draw, so it might really like this. Especially for 0 mana. The question might actually be less “is this good?” and more “can I find space in my Spellhai deck for this with all the other draw?” Giving Songhai more draw power to fuel their burn plays feels kind of miserable even if it isn’t actually strong. It could really be more than 0 mana!
Power: Average: 2.88, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.36, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Thief of Moments
For those who have not heard, Thief of Moments with Flame Acolyte’s current text is a nearly-unconditional 7 mana 2 card OTK. For this reason, in the patch Flame Acolyte will be adjusted to only activate on non-token spells, so Blink will not summon Spellsparks. There will be no two card OTK!
Even without the OTK, this card is likely to be an autoinclude in Songhai decks.
- It’s free movement triggers for cards like Flamewreath.
- It’s a repositioning tool to preserve your minions or get them into combat.
- It’s a free spell generating engine for Bloodrage Mask, Four Winds Magus, Owlbeast Sage, and Chakri Avatar.
- It’s trivial to generate the Blinks, since Songhai is all about attacking a lot anyway.
- It’s got a great statline.
- Every deck can use this.
Much like many Songhai cards, it’s likely to be a lot of fun for exactly one of the players in the game.
Power: Average: 3.13, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.92, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
This card looks really cool! It’s also very complicated, likely to be quite slow, requires resources to draw cards which is kind of backwards unless you have Thief of Moments going already, and poorly statted for a 3 drop. It’s worse at drawing cards than other Songhai cards and worse at dealing damage than other Songhai cards, so even though the design is fun and more like what a lot of people want Songhai to be, it’s unlikely to be playable as-is.
Power: Average: 2.05, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 2
Fun: Average: 2.73, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Zendo, Ronin Lord
A note: There was some confusion over whether the Ronin Shades, 4/6 tokens, would counterattack. Initially it was planned that they would; now, they will not.
With counterattack, this would probably have been oppressively powerful. Without counterattack, it’s much less threatening, for obvious reasons. As long as your opponent can remove Zendo himself, the Shades are only a temporary inconvenience, since it only costs an action to remove them, and not also health. On the other hand, if they can’t remove Zendo they’re stuck for a long time, or in for a world of hurt. That said, Songhai is unlikely to want to run this, as at 6 mana they can seriously consider killing you instead. With more support for doing things that aren’t killing you, Songhai might want this later, though.
Power: Average: 2.94, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.76, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
This is probably going in every Vetruvian deck. Stitching a 2/3 body onto all of your spells that cost 2 or more is an effect Vet can really use! It also pairs very nicely with their buff spells, as you can play it and immediately buff it – and any other board you have – up with Inner Oasis, or any of Vet’s other buffs. However, the terror-inducing star of the show is definitely the fact that you can play any number of Chronomancers and then Time Maelstrom, allowing them to act immediately. With 3 health, they can hit the enemy General twice, too, adding salt to what’s already one of the less fun ways to lose a game of Duelyst 2.
Power: Average: 3.56, Quartiles: 3 / 4 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.75, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Equinox Hoursword
This isn’t an hourglass. By volume of comments, I shouldn’t write anything else. But I will anyway! At 5 mana, this may be a little slow to get a lot of value from; but at least with the pseudo-Opening Gambit you can get some immediate use out of it. Getting hit by a Rust Crawler right after equipping this is definitely going to sting if you didn’t get something done with the first two Dervishes. It’s also going to be tough to avoid losing value to spawn blocking, or your opponent simply running away. With that said, if you curve into this off a Fireblaze Obelysk, the Dervishes suddenly become enormous threats, so in an Obelysk deck this may well be a strong consideration.
Power: Average: 2.76, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.93, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Fusion Banshee
This attracts a lot of Makantor Warbeast comparisons, being a 6 cost minion with Rush and AoE potential; on the other hand, with a majestic but terribly lonely single health point, she’s not likely to attack more than once. And if she gets killed by a General, it costs them nothing. As a reactive play at this price point, it’s also going to struggle to push out Entropic Decay in most lists. It also leans further into Vetruvian’s habit of forcing you to decide whether to be in a row or a column, which some people like and some people hate.
Power: Average: 2.47, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.80, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Soulstone Obelysk
This is an Ethereal Obelysk that costs three times as much to temporarily remove a minion. The minion comes back on full health, too! You could Fountain of Youth it to “forget” the contents, but then you’ve spent 6 mana and two cards on an Ethereal Obelysk. If you dispel it, you’ve spent 6 mana and two cards on a paperweight. If you target your own minion, like an Aymara Healer, and your opponent dispels it you’re very deep in debt. Perhaps if it didn’t trigger Dying Wish effects when targeting an enemy it would be playable.
Power: Average: 1.86, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 2
Fun: Average: 2.47, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Infernal Pact
Drawing this many cards is great if you can spit them all out onto the board. On the other hand, you need to be playing at least two thirds of your hand every turn to be making use of this, and you’re still taking the damage even if your hand is full and you can’t draw. Also, it’s not going anywhere until your opponent hits you three times, so you can’t even bail out if you decide you don’t want it any more. You might also end up with a warped curve that’s hard to make function if you don’t draw the Infernal Pact on time.
That sounds like a lot of downsides, so, to reiterate, drawing this many cards is great if you can spit them all out. And aggro/burn Abyssian decks are pretty good at that, and at healing up the damage from the downside with Spectral Blade and Void Pulse.
Power: Average: 3.023255814, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.72, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
New Moon Hex
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This is almost definitely going to do at least 2 damage every time you cast it, which is already really strong and that’s just the beginning. You also get at least one Creep tile, probably usually two or maybe three, which is also really strong. And all this for 1 mana. You can put this in a slow list to get the long term value out of the Creep, or you can put it in a fast list to do direct burn and mess with your opponent’s positioning by forcing them to move off the Creep. It also shreds artefacts like so much cardboard, and switches off Arclyte Regalia’s damage mitigation. It’s pretty strong for 1 mana!
Power: Average: 3.31, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.63, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Sphere of Darkness
Reminder: Shadow Creep has been reworked to deal a flat 3 damage per turn, regardless of how much you control.
As something of a “2 mana: Deal 3 damage to a unit”, this draws a lot of Phoenix Fire comparisons. On the one hand the 3 damage can happen again later, but on the other hand it only happens at the end of your turn, so you can’t use it to clear body blocks or anything. It will still be strong for clearing 2 drops, and any wild Obelysks you find on the ladder.
Power: Average: 2.99, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.47, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
This will be an absolute blowout if you can get a lot of Creep out and your opponent isn’t actively playing around it. Even if they are playing around it, being able to heal your General for 12 can be huge. It doesn’t even need to hit a lot of targets or with many stacks to get value. Seems pretty strong!
Power: Average: 3.40, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.97, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Immortal Resolve
This looks a lot like Fatigue Magmar support! Maybe it is. But it also has a lot to offer for board control, especially clearing 2 drops, even for free if your General had some damage before. It could be a bit of a dead draw in the mid game, too, though.
Power: Average: 2.43, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.32, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Generation Scribe
It’s a 2 drop with decent stats, which is a great start. The effect is support for Grow and Rebirth, two historically terrible Magmar mechanics. If you hatch an egg, the minion is active immediately, so there’s definitely scope for some combos here. This might lead to an accidental broken combo in a future expansion. You could activate Harvester with it. There are a lot of things to do, and most of them look fun and hopefully fair!
Power: Average: 2.87, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Fun: Average: 3.11, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
This is probably not going to do much for lists that really want to lean into Grow, but it could pull some real weight in a more aggro or zoo type Magmar deck where it pays off by itself. Like Grow in general, this may be too slow, though. And it likely has the fun-related issues inherent to Grow – if you’re winning you get more winning, but good luck getting back into the game from behind. It has a potentially cute combo with Amplification, although it’s expensive.
Power: Average: 2.60, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.61, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Sky Carrier
This could be a really fun effect to play with as a top end, but “play an 8 mana 7/7 without it being removed or your General dying” is a tall hurdle to clear in the current meta. Once stuck there are some extremely funny things you can do, mostly involving casting double Fractal Replication on a Makantor Warbeast or a big minion, but you’re also locked into only three cards per turn. You do get a bit of slack on the “stick a 7/7 with no text” requirement if you use Flash Reincarnation to bring it out for 6, so you could play one more card with 9 mana, but this is probably still not cutting it in the high-speed high-power Duelyst 2 meta.
Also, this is clearly not carrying the sky.
Power: Average: 2.14, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.98, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Another Life
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Psych! Another Life was a more like Another Bug, so it never made it to launch. It was replaced by Sleet Dasher. I’ll still include some comments in case it makes it in later, though.
This is a very cool effect and concept, with a lot of flexibility and just enough impact to seriously consider where it goes in your deckbuild. Like Immortal Resolve, you get to hit the coveted 3 attack threshold to kill 3 health minions, and like Immortal Resolve, you get some health back, but it’s at least 4 health and maybe more if dog-mode General is overkilled. It’s a funky card, though, so people aren’t sure how to call it.
Power: Average: 2.58, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Fun: Average: 3.06, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
This is definitely a walls card. Maybe it sucks, because it’s only 1 damage, it doesn’t hit face, and it’s a brick if you don’t have a board. On the other hand, Glacial Elemental has restrictions similar to the last two and is a lynchpin of the deck, so that’s not damning. It also only costs 1 mana, and since the damage can be stacked up this could lead to some brutal plays with Gravity Well or Bonechill Barrier. It’s also potentially really good in the mirror and against other wide decks. But Glacial Elemental rears its misshapen head again; Bluster might be competing with it for deck space and it’s likely to be tough. Playing against walls with this might be really miserable though.
Power: Average: 2.92, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.65, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Grandfather Clock
This isn’t a clock. It’s a pendulum at best.
It’s also great at tearing off artefacts, which is nice. At 1 mana, if you’re playing aggro you can just slam it to spend your leftover mana without thinking. On the other hand 1 damage per turn isn’t really a lot of damage, so maybe you’d rather be spending that deck slot on something with a bit more oomph, like a Snowpiercer. It’s also not really great as a way to put your opponent on a clock, despite the name, because… 1 damage per turn isn’t really a lot of damage. It might be a real tilter to play against, though, especially if they stack them up.
Power: Average: 2.51, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.22, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Embla, Forever
This is another fun effect (for control decks this time) that probably gets gatekept by the speed and power of the meta. With that statline most decks aren’t going to have too hard a time getting rid of her even with their board stunned, and you gain mana at the start of your turn so she might just stun your opponent’s board and nothing else. Definitely has scope to be utterly miserable to play against; sequential Embla turns seem like sequential Time Maelstrom turns, except with the illusion of choice. At 9 mana, the statline bears mentioning again; that could really be higher.
Power: Average: 2.28, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 3.22, Quartiles: 3 / 4 / 4
It’s a 2 drop with good stats. Artefact lists could play this, but artivet never played Imperial Mechanyst. Might be better now that it’s in neutral. Probably also going to struggle with the speed of the game. Lyonar might find this extremely funny to repair Arclyte Regalia.
Power: Average: 2.37, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.33, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
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This definitely has some utility. It’s a good statline on a proactive 3 drop, which some factions are very happy to play. On the other hand it’s a lot of hoops to jump through to access the dispel, and some people aren’t fans of dispel anyway.
Also some people complained in the survey about not including the Verdkin card as well :( Mean. Google Forms sucks, okay.
Power: Average: 2.46, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.62, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Emissary of Chaos
What’s a permute? Can I eat that? I will briefly abuse my position as the person writing this article to agree with the people saying using technical or highly specific terms in card text is largely a mistake. Cards should be unambiguous, but they should also be simple and as easily understood as possible by all players, even if English is their third language and they never went to high school. Anyway, back to democracy.
Basically the only way this is a good card is if you switch the costs of Time Maelstrom and Siphon Energy. It’s a 7 mana 1/7. Haha RNG go brrrrrr.
Power: Average: 1.67 (honestly shocked it’s that high), Quartiles: 1 / 1 / 2
Fun: Average: 2.88, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Eternity Sage
This is a lot of mana for not a lot of stats. Even if it does come back. Maybe it can take off a Hex Charm for you, but that’s likely to be about it.
Power: Average: 1.94, Quartiles: 1 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.62, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Reworked Creep Cards
Abyssal Crawler
It’s a 1 mana 3/1. That’s a lot of damage. And it makes Shadow Creep, which is nice too.
Power: Average: 3.23, Quartiles: 3 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.75, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Darkspine Elemental
This is a pseudo-5/2 if it hits something, but there are almost more ways for a 2 health minion to die in this game than to stay alive. There are other ways to generate your Creep tiles.
Power: Average: 2.34, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.40, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Abyssal Juggernaut
This is basically worse than Darkspine Elemental used to be, and that card wasn’t played. It can be a big threat with the increased rates of Creep generation, but it’s also trivially answered by dispel and isn’t a very fast-moving threat.
Power: Average: 2.37, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Fun: Average: 2.49, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 3
Shadow Nova
This isn’t very exciting, but lets you splash a lot of Creep around. That said there are a lot more ways to make Creep now, so it’s firmly been shunted out of its role as the de facto only Creep card, and might just be too expensive for the return.
Power: Average: 2.98, Quartiles: 2 / 3 / 4
Fun: Average: 2.53, Quartiles: 2 / 2 / 3
Hot Takes
oh boy
Take | Owner |
]][[ | another life and the mag 1mana are the strongest cards in the entire game |
Anon | “cards are interesting. i would maybe start to play this game again, if i had all the cards to fool around. but im not interesting to put time into grinding cards in an almost dead game.” |
Anon | Cass is the worst Abyssian general |
Anon | “Minion on minion battles are much more fun than calculating how to clear board and develop your own everyturn. High play sees enough minion on minion, but average does not.” |
Anon | “Chronomage may be more balanced if it couldn’t discount spells that cost over 2. Cards such as flash, darkfire sac, vindicator, divine bond are limiting card design for their classes and neutrals. Cards like these are capable of creating absolutely broken interactions that must be taken into account when designing all future cards. Also, NSA bad” |
Anon | Blue takis over the red ones. |
Anon | “I think removal cards and spells disrupt fun. I think it’s more rewarding to win with strong combos/units AND against strong combos/units, than winning with removal/disspell. Loosing after playing a nice combo because your opponent’s deck is full of counter spells is not a lot of fun. Loosing against a strong combo feels fair tho “ |
Anon | Sarlac should be removed |
Anon | Game might live actually |
Anon | bluster too strong at 1 mana |
Anon | shadow creep rework was much needed but the cards arent quite tuned yet. vet and magmar got some critical support for their lesser used archetypes. lyonar got reverse storm kage. vanar got the most spaghetti code card. and songhai got kaleos bbs back |
Anon | Revert Consuming Rebirth you COWARDS! |
Anon | “At this point should be clear that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t want incredibly crazy swingy turns to happen. No one has fun against OTKs, or randomized bullshit that can win the game on the spot just because. From what I could understand we also all want the game to END at some point and not have strategies that allow the fatigue dmg to be uneffective or slowed down to the point that affects only one player. These points should all be clear because they are at the roots of what I’ve seen creating problems in this game in the last months. I think focusing on creating cards that don’t touch these areas would be beneficial for the Duelyst as a whole.” |
Anon | nuetral cards are not interesting. |
Anon | N/A |
Anon | “Lyonar is annoying. Play around holy immolation just to lose to decimate (yes people play this stupid card). Why do they have both in their card pool? Oops couldn’t kill my 3 10 health guy, okay you lose. Ugh Lyonar. Also Mekantor Warbeast is nuts but I get why it needs to exist.” |
Anon | Makantor Jesus can’t save you from being mid. |
Anon | blood spells should have been reworked not removed |
Awruko | I like the new general portraits. |
BaldEaglePC | Sloth could go back to 4 now and help clean up some of the thornbushes |
Blastoxin | Heal lyo is balanced and fun to play against :) |
Blueterra | May need to nerf Magmar again ;-; |
calvin | revert nsa |
Cheridan | I haven’t played in 5 months and I probably won’t start again even when these new cards drop so idk why I filled all this out lmao |
ChibiNero | “On-board (move and backstab) songhai should be supported more than pure burn, but there is space for both.” |
CloakNDagger | Y’all are Lyo lovers obviously. Buff after buff after buff after busted card and no nerfs. Calm down. Nerf Lyo. |
Coccolithophor | shadow creep might be too slow with the damage decrease. Maybe it should still scale but slower? or maybe have a high cost arifact that reverts shadow creep damage to how it used to be. Now thats evil genius. |
David | “Dunno how hot this is, but Abyssian is gonna actually get stronger with the shadow creep rework, especially with that gosh darn scorpion” |
Demmiremmi | Meta will be control |
DeusAmoeba | “Devs seem to want the game to be very unforgiving. Which i don’t necessarily mind, but there seems like a lot of room for ““you have no way to know if they have A or B dnd you lose depending on where you place this one thing depending on which””, which comes down, entirely, to luck and blind guesswork tbh. “ |
Divinek/Declankai/Dezark | Timeless is an attempt at branding these new artifacts as “General” abilities vs Combat artifacts. Timeless should be “3 attacks or counter attacks to break” and Endless should be shorthand for shuffle X back into your deck. |
doggirlpsychward | It’s fine. nerf hai more. |
ErniethePlumber | Cowards refused to make my Vetruvian strong(er) |
FORTUNATO MARTINEZ | Games need to be more volatile |
Garreth | Creep will be top tier. |
Ghosterdriver | Songhais 2 drop sounds like a card for manaforger abuse shenanigans |
GSValhalla | “Even though this isn’t a hot take, I suspect that we will see a good number of expansion cards being changed next patch. Even though we already had 2 or 3 since reveals happened. As some cards look DOA and others seems to have insane stats or abilities for the mana cost. Hopefully, I’m wrong completely.” |
Harpu | “It is okay to let hand card management be part of the game, rather than nearly every faction drawing or generating new cards to constantly keep your hand filled. How many draw and generation cards did we get here? As duelyst moves forward, and with the Godot engine. I hope to see the design space of what cards can achieve expand beyond the common denominators for some interesting effects, like that vanar card that shape shifts the general. “ |
John / Free | “More cards like this, and more deck interaction cards to deck out/mill oppenents.” |
John Doe | Wave 1 and 2 of timeless have felt like extensions of the existing cards rather than cards from an actual expansion. The new keyword is one that existed already but now every faction has access to. |
Jorane | <3 |
krackocloud | play Taiji and Phoenotopia Awakening |
Krazed | Game was more fun with 40+ card decks and dark nemesis should be buffed |
LuigiMelon | make better vetruvian cards please ong ong im on my knees 👽 |
Lymulus | They should remove Songhai from the game |
Madwhiffery | Vet arcanyst gonna be s tier. |
Muck Fagmar | 5 mana gambler do it you won’t DSG |
ConfirmedHarry | I blame divine bond for all the atrocities committed by this patch. Please change that card. |
Navy | “The current dev team is far too attached to the specific cards, archetypes, and metagame factors that were in the original 0.60, rather than being attached to the good qualities of 2 draw in general. Unless they find a way to rid themselves of this attachment, the game has no future.” |
Pilot | The shadow creep change is fun and good for the game |
pkk | @Dio_Buando |
Riski | Kenetic feels like it breaks faction identity mechanically despite being a flavour W. Lizards didn’t need another board wipe |
sellingmoats | Delete abyss |
ShatteredGlass | I swear sometimes you guys make us the balance testers for this stuff. Oh well. |
Sinbread | Abyss needs better 2 drops! |
Slimeyhipo | GROW IS ON THE MENU. see you on ladder. |
Smarty | If we don’t have a patch before ES4 it will be the worst tournament meta since saurian finality |
Sodium Sam | “Zendo, while clearly too powerful initially could stand to have his shades counter-attack again if they had lower attack values themselves. The rework seems harsh seeing as the faction has clear needs for different speeds of play. (Also unironically swap IF for Protocol, it’s right there)” |
Songhai H8er #1 | “Tusk Boar 1/1, inner focus 2 mana, 3mana Bloodrage mask, Phoenix fire deals 1 damage to your own general, Chakri 0/1, OBS to 3 mana, Fox to 1/3, Mistdragon seal: 2 mana: teleport a minion into a corner and deal 3 damage to it.” |
Tentickles | I would not mind coming on for free to give input in naming things. Feel free to peruse my design contest card names. |
The Ghost Of Nixon | Too early to tell. But Abyssian will be way stronger. |
Toasches | “In conjuction with saberspine seal nerf, counterattack Zendo was not broken/OP.” |
Toastie | Aggro abyss in some form is the best deck. |
Trozz | Last set of new cards for a very long time |
Vic | I’m starting to think that there simply are no ideas on how to make the swarm fantasy of legions of wraithlings actually fulfilling and the plan is to let it rot forever. |
Zabiool | I can win es4 |
Zebane | Emissary Of Chaos is perfection. |
ZeroUnderscoreOu | Simplifying overly convoluted designs. Spring sale - 25% off on all services |